Canada means Business (CMB)
is a series of events that focuses on the current business environment between Canada and Japan. Business and community leaders are invited to share their views and expertise in a keynote style presentation on various issues facing both countries.
There are many companies in the Tokai region that are engaged in business or trade with Canada. Through this seminar, the Tokai Japan Canada Society (TJCS) aims to provide a wide range of up-to-date information on Canada to companies in the Tokai region and support their further expansion and business activities in Canada.
Throughout August 2017, TJCS Leadership embarked on a series of informal visits to our Corporate Member base for the purpose of introducing newly-appointed Executive Leaders and thank them for their ongoing support.
Tokai Japan Canada Society's Business Committee hosted an exclusive event introducing Mr. Chénier La Salle, Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner, Consulate of Canada in Nagoya, assumed from August, 2016.
Tokai Japan Canada Society, in cooperation with Sienna Steakhouse and Heavenly Vines, hosted a wine-tasting event with over 60 attendees enjoying 12 different Canadian wines and a variety of delicious hors d’oeuvres made with Canadian ingredients.
A speech by Mr. Yasuo Aramoto to members and friends of the TJCS on his experience and Canada's relation to the triple disaster and re-building on Tohoku.
1st TJCS New Year Party
Also known simply in Japan as the Shin-nen-kai (New Year Party)
"TJCS Celebrates 2013 and Welcomes the new Canadian Ambassador".
TJCS Business Committee would like to report a very successful event held on June 29, 2011 with Mr. Shigeru Hayakawa from Toyota Motor Corporation at WINC Aichi.
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